Trial Run

Today Nate and I when to the movies :D In all honesty we got a small of popcorn which tasted great, but I keep feeling acidy in my throat :( So Not sure it was worth it.

Ok, well I had some chicken, 3 meat pops (these amazing things from ACME that have 10 gs of fat and 1 of Carbs) the popcorn, then a piece of lasana and a salad. O plus a little bit of dried cranberries. And I've been craving water all day. :) Not too bad!

I think the best thing is not buy ice cream. For the past 6 months we've had it in the house . . . and I've eaten it. I would tell myself that it wouldn't hurt anything, but I think that's why I've gone over my highest weight: I ate it whenever I wanted to. I'll never give it up completely, but it not being in the house makes it easier to not eat everyday. So I not going to buy it anymore. If we want something sometime when we're out, fine. But as far as it being a Reid family favorite, . . . not so much.

Also . . . Nate and I figured out my BMR and made a basic exercise plan for me :) I'm going to have to make it detailed every Sunday night to make it work for that week, but I really like that because I thrive on structure, not flexibility.

Then, we did a trial run of all the excersies so I could get them in my head.
It went something like this:
Jumping Jacks to warm up
Push Ups: 2 reps of 12. I broke for a few seconds after 4 each time, and after 12 for a min and 1/2ish
Squats: After Nate helped me with my form, it was as much as I could do: like 13 and in the future, I'd repeat after resting but it took forever to get my form down and I was sick of it by then.
Then we worked on burpees . . . I got like maybe a .7 of one done . . . those things are no joke!
Finally, I did left side plank, right side plank. Full plank. left side, right side again.
Then my Chiro excersiese.

Ok, honestly, I thought that my back was going to be killing me, but it turns out, it felt GREAT. Like totally pain free. Which is craZy because this morning after waking up, I barely made it to the bathroom. I looked crippled from the pain. But I'm icing right now just as a precaution. I'm hoping that getting some weight off will help my back as well. :)

So over all, I loved doing it with Nate though I get very testy, he took it well. (He kept trying to kiss me each time I came up from a crunch! Get out of here!!) lol I love him. Anyway, I always think I don't want "waste time" on exercising or I "just want to rest" but in all honesty, it didn't take that long and I'm sure it'll get shorter once I know what I'm doing. Plus, what was that time for me anyway? Scrolling up and down my facebook homepage that hasn't changed at all or mindlessly watching something on the internet? And as far as wanting to just rest, even though I feel good in a happy short of way, the fact that my back feels better is reward enough. So we'll have to see if that continues!!

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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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