bananas are EVIL!!!

So I was doing spectacular!
. . .  until today

Nathan wanted almond banana pancakes. So I made them and thinking it would be like our normal pancakes/waffles with some banana. No biggie. Well, it was actually 2 bananas for 2 tlbs of almond butter. Didn't really think much of it, and kept going.

When I typed it into MyDailyPlate I almost freaked out: there's 27 carbs in ONE! OMG that means 54 in 2!!! So basically, half of my day's carbs were found in a fruit I don't even like! Such a bummer. Needless to say, I feel at 109 today. :(

Lessons learned? I'm hoping that doesn't happen again. . .

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Smooth Sailing

Ok, it's been 3 days and my carb counts have been 39, 52, and 47, respectively.

So far, it's been pretty easy. Actually, not bad at all. So what's the deal?

Why was a dreading this so much? Why did I think I was going to be so hungry and unhappy all the time?

Just in quick thinking, I've grabbed two reasons:
- emotional eating: I'm sad/upset/happy/breathing lol jk on the last one
- mindless eating: i.e. eating out of boredum or because foods there/the time of day.

I'm trying to only eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full.

Stopping when I'm fully has always been really hard cause I LOVE the way food tastes. But I've noticed that, as simple as it sounds, when I only have so much in front of me it makes it easier. Then, it's a light snack instead of thinking about the yummy left overs on the stove.

I serious don't feel restricted right now. Minus the sweets, but hopefully that too will lessen. I'm actually supposed to be in a 50-100 range so I guess I better eat a little bit more per day. Once I start waking up at 7 I think that'll start happening cause they'll be more day in my day.

Basically, I'm happy, but more so. . . relieved. It feels so good that this is turning out to be easy :)


Outer Beauty is Fleeting, Fading, and Vain

I was listening to Revive Our Hearts today and Bob Lapine was talking about Food, Beauty and Control.

I'm glad I did so early because it reminded me about control, idols, and worldiness.

Wanting to be in shape and eat right is a good thing. I truly believe God honors that. I believe He wants us to take care of ourselves. The trap comes in when we make it our focus, our obsession, our god.

He's jealous. And I love that about Him. I love that I'm so important to Him that He wants all of my attention and nothing to come before Him.

So Jesus, as I begin this process of trying to eat primally, exercise and take better care of myself, I pray that you keep my heart and my motives in check. Help it to be a pleasing fragrance to You and cultivate an inner beauty as much or more as outer beauty. Inner beauty is eternal and I want to be a woman who fears the Lord. Be my focus, Lord Jesus. Keep my eyes on You and help me to glorify Your Name in my weight loss journey.

P.S. The only time outer beauty is commendable in the Bible is Song of Songs when it talks about how the woman is pleasing and attractive to her husband :)

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Get up and out :D

Today was awesome! Nate and I took a hike in 32 degree weather ; )

Not the best conditions and Nate's feet got really wet and cold in his 5 fingers, but overall we both loved it. And going in my coat and gloves around the top perimeter wasn't too bad. At first, we went on the normal trail but it was totally soaked. We were about to head back to the car but saw a different trail and decided to see where it would take us. Especially since I wanted to take a picture from the look out (I took one in summer, and in fall so I wanted winter too :D)

It was awesome because:
1. we were active
2. we were together
3. we got to talk to each other and spend time together
4. the scenery and fresh air was really good for Nate who's always stuck in his office and me too :)
5. it was fun

Also, I figure that if we can find a way to enjoy it in even the worst conditions, it'll be easier to do it on nicer as well :)

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Nate just took my measurements and my "fat" pictures. It was very depressing.

It's not that I don't look at myself or now how I look, it's just the awareness that it really is THAT bad. Nate kept telling me I was beautiful the whole time, but it wasn't hitting home in that moment.

Gag. O well, maybe this is what I was missing all the other times I tried to loose weight. Cold Hard Evidence of what I've done to my body.

Those pics are goin' on the fridge! But coming down when people come over ; D


I wrote all them down on my PFA packet, so I'll check them again in a month. and the scale in two weeks.
I keep trying to think of the best "Start date" for success but all of today I've been wondering . . . why not now? Christmas won't be that bad and I'll make it through New Years and my nephew's b-day. My sister's baby shower and my birthday right? Oy, let's hope. At least then I'll know that if I can make it through the up-coming month I can make it through anything right? And all the cheating on less "yummy" food will make holding out on the holidays less worth it. True.

So I think my hearts in it. It's at least wanting to try.

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Trial Run

Today Nate and I when to the movies :D In all honesty we got a small of popcorn which tasted great, but I keep feeling acidy in my throat :( So Not sure it was worth it.

Ok, well I had some chicken, 3 meat pops (these amazing things from ACME that have 10 gs of fat and 1 of Carbs) the popcorn, then a piece of lasana and a salad. O plus a little bit of dried cranberries. And I've been craving water all day. :) Not too bad!

I think the best thing is not buy ice cream. For the past 6 months we've had it in the house . . . and I've eaten it. I would tell myself that it wouldn't hurt anything, but I think that's why I've gone over my highest weight: I ate it whenever I wanted to. I'll never give it up completely, but it not being in the house makes it easier to not eat everyday. So I not going to buy it anymore. If we want something sometime when we're out, fine. But as far as it being a Reid family favorite, . . . not so much.

Also . . . Nate and I figured out my BMR and made a basic exercise plan for me :) I'm going to have to make it detailed every Sunday night to make it work for that week, but I really like that because I thrive on structure, not flexibility.

Then, we did a trial run of all the excersies so I could get them in my head.
It went something like this:
Jumping Jacks to warm up
Push Ups: 2 reps of 12. I broke for a few seconds after 4 each time, and after 12 for a min and 1/2ish
Squats: After Nate helped me with my form, it was as much as I could do: like 13 and in the future, I'd repeat after resting but it took forever to get my form down and I was sick of it by then.
Then we worked on burpees . . . I got like maybe a .7 of one done . . . those things are no joke!
Finally, I did left side plank, right side plank. Full plank. left side, right side again.
Then my Chiro excersiese.

Ok, honestly, I thought that my back was going to be killing me, but it turns out, it felt GREAT. Like totally pain free. Which is craZy because this morning after waking up, I barely made it to the bathroom. I looked crippled from the pain. But I'm icing right now just as a precaution. I'm hoping that getting some weight off will help my back as well. :)

So over all, I loved doing it with Nate though I get very testy, he took it well. (He kept trying to kiss me each time I came up from a crunch! Get out of here!!) lol I love him. Anyway, I always think I don't want "waste time" on exercising or I "just want to rest" but in all honesty, it didn't take that long and I'm sure it'll get shorter once I know what I'm doing. Plus, what was that time for me anyway? Scrolling up and down my facebook homepage that hasn't changed at all or mindlessly watching something on the internet? And as far as wanting to just rest, even though I feel good in a happy short of way, the fact that my back feels better is reward enough. So we'll have to see if that continues!!

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Just About There

Ok, I'm giving myself time to adjust to the idea of a PB lifestyle. When I start, I want to dive in, but I'd rather it be a plunge than a belly-flop so I'm trying to acknowledge the small things in my daily life that will make a big difference once I start: i.e. limiting surprises.

So today for instance, I didn't eat breakfast and waited till after my workout to eat lunch (a few bites of my stew from home before tutoring - I was definitely hungry at this point, and I didn't finish it. Which makes me think that maybe that's all you really need. And that "comfy stuffed" point I'm so used to, really isn't nessasarry to keep me full -- I still haven't finished the rest which I planned on eating right when I got home). Dinner was one piece of Lasana and a salad made of spinach, romaine, and leek. That's a lot less than I'm used to eating and I seriously don't feel hungry, weird, but I hope this continues!

The Good: Ok, I talked my friend Alan into walking with me. I was planning on the tred, but he wanted the walk-around which was no problem. I bought a lock for a locker (felt so official) and we worked it out. We walked for 40, even though I wanted to stop at 30. Not that I didn't like it, but my back and left knee were starting to bug me.
This is awesome for 2 reasons:
1. It's finals week and I can't believe I actually did it. Serious, I could totally excuse myself by figuring that I should calculate my final grades instead, but I was getting stressed about the final outcomes and decided that I needed to walk to clear my head. Alan coming along was a total plus :) On days when I am alone, I'll have to remember to bring my Zune and talk to Jesus <3
2. As I mentioned before, it's finals week. But I figured that my final ended at 12 and since that's the exact time I'll get out of school on MTWT, today would be a good way to see what it might look like to stay after and be committed. I know it was small, but I guess what I'm saying is that I know this is going to be a huge head game for me: getting myself there is way harder than whatever I have planned once it's time to start. So hopefully, I can just go and not talk myself out of it.

The bad!
I totally ate a cupcake! I almost turned it down like Jessica did (who also made a resolve yesterday) but I didn't! Seriously, I had 7 little faces all eating them a Good News Club and it was too much to say no! Actually, it really wasn't. I could have said no just like Jessica did. I'm not going to beat myself up but I will remind myself of this moment in the future and try to say no next time.

So that was my day. I also read some more success stories- *Sigh* It's all I was fat, now skinny. Which is great, but they never show the blood sweat and tears that it takes to get there! O well

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Success Stories


Sabrina :)


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Sticking With It

Not a diet, but a lifestyle

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What to Eat

Real Food

How much?

Guide for Fats





A Day for Mark



Yams and Sweet Potatoes

I miss Sweetness :(



I love to eat!



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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Low Aerobic Activity


Different Options

How much Longer!?!


Workouts that Don't feel like Workouts

Standing at Work

Facing the Challenge

2010 Action Plan

Don't do it!


Mark's Workout

One day . . .


I hate running!

Personal Trainer

Should I Join a Gym?

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Intermediate Fasting

How to I.F.

Is it Healthy?

Hunger Pains

Trial Run

Getting Started

17 Reasons why you're not loosing weight:

Stepping over the Scale


The Curve

For Busy People

Be Patient

Over the Weekend

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For Starters


How to Succeed with the PB

What's so impotant about Genes?


10 Steps for your Pantry

Unleash your Inner Grok Formula

6 tips to make the swtich

10 ways to get Primal

The Guide to Eating

100 Breakfasts

100 Lunches

100 Dinners


Success Stories

Primal Challenge 30 days

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Cut the Crap

How to Cheat Well

Bad habits

Excuses, Excues

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My 1st Physical Assestment

Ok, well, today I got my 1st physical fitness assessment and it didn't go to bad.

Things I hated:
1. Walking into the gym (feels like every pair of eyes is judging you. Probably ridiculous, but still.).
2. I got a boy, and he saw more of me than any guy except Nathan and my dad. *Nerve wracking* He was definitely my age so that made it worse O_O
3. Seeing my weight on the scale - highest it's ever been.

Things I liked:
1. The smell. I think gyms smell kinda clean and good. Can't help it.
2. Seeing a bunch of people who care about their bodies. I think I should surround myself with more of them.
3. The feeling that I was doing something good for my body. I'm so focused on my grades, my spirituality, social relationships and emotional feelings but I don't pay too much attention to my health.

How it went:
1st, very awkward.
But other than that I think it went well. I was all over the place scoring excellent with my curl-ups and bench pressing 105. My aerobic fitness and blood pressure both feel into the "fit" category and my resting heart rate was "fair."
Now for the bad and ugly: Area's that need a lot of work were Body Fat composition, Back flexibility, and hand-grip strength (? Idk why that's super important, but w/e).

He also recorded my Triceps, Suprallum (above hips), and thigh skinfolds. Which I'm hoping will go down in the future. Overall, I think that's the best reason to get a PFA (it was free too cause I'm a student, only once a year though. After that it's $15). It got down to the nitty gritty and shoved it all back in my face. So it serves as a wake up call and a helper at the same time: viewing progress is what I'm looking forward to most.

So My Plan is . . .
Try my best to stick to the Primal Blueprint by and do more research and reading on the tips and success stories.
Figure out an exercise plan from Mark and my chiro and take the time to do it.
Try to get my mind and will power to help me out!

1st off, it's Christ-like to be healthy. I don't think Jesus would ever had a beer gut.
2ndly, I want to feel good and not worry about diabetes or whatever. Also, I want to be an active mom.
3rdly, I saw how hard it was for my dad to take care of my mom and I don't ever want to put Nathan in that place.

So we shall see. I'm hopeful. I think it's your friends, your mindset, what you read, and what you buy while at the store that make all the difference. Thankfully, Nate loves this stuff so I don't have to rope him into it or argue with him over buying junk food :)

Morgan }|{ "Look at Jesus only"

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Newer Posts Home

    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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