1st outting during Whole30

Yay! Ok, Nate and I just got back from a Life Group Dinner at our church and it went awesome :) I really liked the ppl but I wanted to focus on the food since I was dreading how my "first night out" would go.

Well, I've been very prayerful today and prayed in the parking lot. There were SO many options. Many of which were my favorite things - lasana, desserts of every kind, yummy looking breads you name it.

I got half a plate of salad, no dressing, tons of veggies; a slice of ham and 6 meat balls. It was pretty satisfied - Thank God for those yummy meatballs!!

Nate got desserts and other stuff I really couldn't have but I was ok. Afterward I walked by the dessert table and pointed out 6-7 things I would have gotten had I not made this pledge. And I think I would have been a lot less happy about it had I not had a break through with Jesus this afternoon.

I prayed that I would eat to glorify God, stop eating when it was time and do well tonight. He definitely helped me. Also, I did the same thing an hour earlier when I made sunny deviled eggs and put back 2 in the frige for later. I think that helped somewhat fill me and I had one when I got back. I think I got this :)


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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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