
Ok, so I've been trying to alternate days on pull ups while standing on a chair - which I haven't been too faithful about - BUT I tried it yesterday without a chair and I did a fraction of a pull up!!

This may not sound like much but 2 weeks ago when I tried while my friends were over, I hung from the bar as my body shook with no upward movement. - It was pretty hilarious actually. :D

Anyway, I was happy to see that I had something. I showed Nathan when he got home and he was so proud of me. He makes me feel so good about myself. :)

I haven't been too big on my lifestyle lately. It's very hard to resist at family functions and when friends are over. I'm hoping things will get better once school starts: I thrive on routine. After that it's all about my determination. I'm thinking of finding pics that motivate me. I also need to load up my Zune with more workout songs and make sure my second book bag is packed :)

Needless to say, I haven't weighed or measured myself. I want to wait until I see progress visually before that. The way I see it is, once I'm where I want to be, I don't want to check with measuring tape or get on the scale. I feel like weight fluctuates and that's ok. But if my pants start to get tighter, I know there's a problem. Likewise, if my pants feel looser, I know I'm making progress and THEN I can check with the tape to see how much. I think it'll keep me from getting obsessed and keep my mind on the fact that this is my lifestyle, not my diet to loose weight.

Pray for me!

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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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