Momentum and Perspectives (An Update)

Just to check in:

The more I turn down "cheats" the easier it's getting.
-Popcorn at SSWL after 21 hrs of fasting . . .
-Steak Fries while out with Hannah
-Halloween candy given out by 3 teachers so far. . .
-Shari's Berday: Pizza (OMG!), chips, strawberry cake w/ vanilla frosting, oreo and waffle cone ice cream.

It's not like I didn't go craZy on it and eat a ton - Like usual when I consider something a "special" time out or occasion - I mean I didn't even taste it! Holy smokes! Why? What's changed?

1. I feel like I have a better view of my goals. I want to get there, and I see those foods as holding me back.
2. I'm seeing results from Crossfit and eating right (+ Nate's and other ppl's comments) and it's motivation to keep it going.
3. I tell myself that stuff'll still be there when I'm done.
4. Because of how my tastes have changed, I'm starting to not like really sugary things. I feel like it takes a way from the treat and could be SO MUCH BETTER if Nate and I made a paleo friendly version ourselves.
5. Momentum. As I say "no" to one, and then the next I get stronger for the next time. It gets easier and it comes to the point where it's no longer a struggle, or a debate with myself on rationalization or justification . . . but simply a "No, I'm good." :) I'm so happy.
*Something to consider. Vegetarians don't say "O I guess I'll have a burger just this once. I've been so good and everyone else is." Not saying I'll never eat bad stuff again, just saying this is something I want to think on more.

Either way, I'm so happy/proud of myself.
6. The more I stay strict the more having nuts or fruit becomes a treat. Along with taste, I think a big part of cheating is the "O my gosh yay!" feeling I get when thinking about or eating things I haven't in a while. It's special. So now that nuts and fruit have been no-no's, they're much healthier options to replace the other foods I used to eat. It's cool.

Today's WOD went well.
& ended up with me crying in my car.

All Hallow's Heave
10 Rounds

run 500m each round (a 5k all together) then,
odd- 10 pull ups, 10 push ups
even - 10 sit ups, 10 KB swings
My Time: 48:47.

Pretty much Even though I felt I gave it good effort and I upped my KB to 30lbs and went through my pull ups (on green band) super fast - I felt like I wasn't doing enough. I wasn't pushing as much as I could have or challenging myself. Granted, my hands were shaking while trying to write down my WOD but I blamed that on the cold. All I could see was that I was one of the last people to finish and that I should have done more.
This has been bothering me because I feel like I up
my lbs and try to keep momentum when I'm at the box. Should I up my weight more? Should I not rest at all and go as fast as possible? Am I already trying, but not hard enough?

Seriously, these thought's plague me while working out. It's getting really ridiculous and actually sucking all the fun out of this sport I've been loving up until the past few weeks.

Nate made me feel a lot better - consoling me in the car, helping me put things into perspective:
1. I am way too critical of myself.
2. The mind games should stop - I'm making huge progress in the gym - so let that speak for itself.
3. I came. I'm not sitting on the couch and sleeping in like I could have been; like I used to.

So basically, it's going well!! Could it be better? Maybe. But if I'm continuing to up my weights and push myself (aka, there's a di
fference between slacking and resting - haha I need to breathe!) then it's ok if my gradual progress isn't as steep as it could be or someone else's because it's still increasing. It's still going up - I'm not wasting my time. I'm getting better. I'm getting there. Just got to keep it up.

Some Progress to speak of:
1. Nate went to kiss me last night
and in an embrace he was like "Whoa! Your arm is hard" :D Felt great :D
2. My body comp is totally changing. Even if the scale isn't my friend right now, I look in the mirror and can't deny that I'm really enjoying what I see. Plus, comments from friends and family help so much. It's awesome to hear.
3. My thigh muscles! It's weird to look down and see them coming out, or to squeeze them and feel the hardness.
4. I saw this picture of my face taken last year around Dec/November where I look like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks and also one that was taken recently.

So there I have it. And that second pic was taken a month ago. ; ) God, thank You for this gift. Teach me to appreciate this time and rejoice in You and my progress and fuhgetabout the rest. Show me how to love myself as I love You.


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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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