The Challenge

Today is the day, let the challenge begin. Reminder, this is FREE. All we are asking is that you try your hardest to follow the rules / guidelines.

The entire challenge is on the honor system, remember you are doing it as another aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

There is NO Charge for this event, it is 100% about you, your team and living a better, healthier life. The challenge will last 6 weeks, ending just in time for Turkey day and indulging. Following are expectations and goals of this challenge. These are only recommendations, there is no way to be a dictator. Please understand, we are just trying to get people to try new things and see what the outcome is. This is NOT just about losing weight, some want to gain, that is great, you may just have to adjust numbers a little.

  • Record everything that you eat, drink, consume …. Record how you feel afterwards, working out, etc.
  • Record your workouts, sleep, fatigue, stress
  • Provide a picture (start and end)
  • Optional: Get pre and post bloodwork (ask Toby for bloodwork signup … 99.00 / each time)
  • Cut out DAIRY, LEGUMES, GRAINS for first 4 weeks … this is to clear your system to see if you have reaction to these
  • Week 5 … add DAIRY back in …. record results
  • Week 6 … add in Legumes or Grains … record results
  • Try to limit CHO (carbs = sugar) to > 150 g / day (ladies 130) …. less if you are losing weight
  • Try to get plenty of protein … 1g / lb bw (1.2+ to gain)
  • Drink lots of WATER …. shoot for 64oz day minimum
  • Eat Protein and FAT with every meal
  • Try to limit meals to no more than 500 cal / per
  • Try to get 4-6g of Omega 3 (Fish Oil or alternative)
  • Try to sleep at least 8 hours / day (shoot for 9)
  • Limit Stress
  • Exercise at least 3 / week

Additional Guidelines:

  • Each person must be associated with a team / group of 4 (signup sheet is below). This is a great chance to meet someone different. Try to signup with a team of different people, morning with evening, etc. Fill out form completely, exchange cell, email, etc.
  • Each TEAM must complete the following:
  1. Have a meal together, social interaction (dinner out, cookout, potluck, etc). Maybe a couple of groups could get together.
  2. Participate in 1 (one) social event together. Charity event, bowling, movie, game night, etc.
  3. Assist each other with emotional support, shopping, cooking, etc.
  4. Provide TEAM PHOTO (before / after) and RESULTS
  5. *** if members workout at different times, try to workout at a different time, get out of your comfort zone, try new things. Meet new people.


1. 5 Points / person for turning in food log

2. 5 Points for each event completed … additional points for additional events

3. 5 Points for each workout completed as a TEAM … additional points for additional workouts

4. 5 Points for each Percentage of Total Wt Loss as a TEAM (if you want to gain, you must declare this)

5. 5 Points for Each Second improvement in Workout

6. 1 Point for each INDIVIDUAL Workout

7. 10 Points for Greatest overall PHOTO Change …. gym vote

WORKOUT: Individually: 5 Rds: x 5 Pullups x 10 Pushups x 15 Box Hops … then row 500m

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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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