Highs and Lows

it's craZy how you can have such a bad day and then such a good one.

34 push ups
34 sit ups
34 burpees
77 air squats

I was so dead, wanted to cry and quit, toby and steph did the last part of my squats with me :( Which was very nice of them :)

27 dead lifts (just bar, 33lbs)
1 mile run
27 box hops
800 m run
27 kb swings
400 m run
in 28 min :D Felt good afterward too :)

I think the difference is 1) W's was HARD. Even though it was only body weight, that was a LOT of reps. The running today was rough but I think what made a big difference was that it's a make up day so I only had Tammy and Clair doing it with me- so it was ok to be the last one. I didn't compare myself by too much and I was keeping up pretty well so the fear of them having to keep the gym open for me wasn't an issue.

Basically, it's cool. It's a reason to keep going, keep fighting.

And now I'm watching the Crossfit games :) Dreaming of the day I could climb a rope or do a walking handstand. <3 <3 it's the little things.


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Miles for Time


Timed my first mile at 10:56 - which is not bad at all :D Nate looked it up and I'm very happy about that :) I'd love to get down to an 8:52 here pretty soon. And then I'll make a new goal. But please let me say that this was done AFTER my Crossfit WOD of Thrusters, Dips, and Pullups. Even though those don't involve too much leg work, I still had to exert energy. Just sayin' ; )

8:55 baybay :D Feeling great, I wasn't even that winded ; D

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lookin' good!

"I now think of myself as a strong, athletic woman, capable of anything."
I began CrossFit two months after I had my first baby. I had gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy and was anxious to get it all off! I had begun working out 2 weeks after the baby was born - mostly just walking & sit ups, but the weight wasn't going anywhere! I lost an initial 20 lbs straight out if the hospital but what was I going to do with the remaining 30? And it wasn't budging!
Emotionally, I have experienced the incredible joy of meeting & getting to know my little amazing bundle of joy, while at the same learning how to let go of my career and the life I know to adapt to this new one....lets just say BIG changes. I am also a single mother, so the stress levels and worries of that can be very trying. The lack of sleep with a baby is exhausting. I would say mentally & emotionally I have been through a lot the past 2 years...both wonderful yet stressful. My pregnancy had also changed my body drastically and scared the life out of me that I would never have my body back.

Within 3 months I had lost most of the "baby weight" and was nearly back down to my normal weight. I am now trimmer, leaner & stronger than I was even before the baby...thanks to my inspiring sister and coach, Jessica and CrossFit!

I now think of myself as a strong, athletic woman, capable of anything. I honestly did not think I would last a month inCrossFit Women's class, it just seemed too hard and I didn't consider myself athletic enough to be able to do any of it. I have sailed right on through that thought and I now know I can push my body and mind beyond any limits.
Lost over 30lbs, dropped 13% body fat, 4 inches, & 5 dress sizes!

I am so much stronger emotionally, mentally & physically! I was terrified to do CrossFit and didn't think I could handle it. Just 4 months I have noticed muscle definition in my arms, abs, back & legs. My knees, which have bothered me for 8 years are suddenly fine, which I think is due to new found muscle strength. CrossFit has given me confidence and mental clarity to believe in myself and the possibilities. I have a ton more energy and just feel physically fit, healthy & strong

Holly 5'2

67 pounds. That’s how much weight I gained during my pregnancy with my daughter. My doctor told me that an ideal weight gain would be around 30 pounds, but the weight kept creeping up until I weighed 189 lbs (at 5’2’’). After my daughter was born, my life changed in an instant and dropping 67 pounds was definitely going to be a challenge. I didn’t feel attractive and that projected into my daily life. I hated the way I looked in the mirror and didn’t understand why this weight wasn’t coming off.
I joined CrossFit Central in January 2010 after my sister-in-law told me about it. I immediately went online and scheduled my Elements class for that next week. I knew that I had to schedule my class early in the morning while my daughter and husband slept, in order for me to attend class regularly. I love my CrossFit mornings because it gets my day started off full of energy!

Since joining I have lost the pregnancy weight, 47 pounds, and weigh LESS than I did before getting pregnant! I was lucky to haveCrystal Nelson as my Elements Coach. How she kept a straight face while teaching me the different movements will remain a mystery to me! She also looked at my food log and began teaching me nutrition and the Paleo diet. Crystal told me about an 8-week online nutrition course she and a friend were doing and so I joined that and immediately saw improvements in my body.
We wrote out goals for ourselves prior to our first session and mine was to “Fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans in 8-weeks.” At the time, I thought it was pretty wishful thinking considering these jeans couldn’t make it up my mid-thigh. On Week #7, I decided to try them on and see how I was progressing. It was one of those moments when I realized how far I had come. With a big smile on my face, I walked downstairs to show my husband and paraded around my living room wearing my size 4 jeans.

Lost over 47lbs & 4 dress sizes

I’m a big believer in the combination of CrossFit and eating according to the Paleo Diet and how big of a role it plays in my daily nutrition and health. During this time, I increased my CrossFit workouts to 3 times a week with Big Mike. He’s the most motivating and inspiring person I have ever met. When you are depressed and feel like a lesser version of yourself, it’s hard to be driven. But because of his coaching, I am a stronger person both physically
I walk with confidence now and I can’t imagine my life without CrossFit in it. Everyone needs that mental/physical challenge in their life…it can be a crossword puzzle or a triathlon. For me, it’s every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:15am with Big Mike!

Even better!


"Since joining CFCentral I haven't changed who I am so much as I have become who I really am - Feeling more me than ever before."
prior to crossfit central:
I joined Crossfit Central in February of 2008. I had been married for 2 years and had put on about 25 lbs since I had gotten engaged. I had a membership to 24 hour fitness did what I thought I was supposed to do...30-45 minutes on the treadmill or elyptical machine and then dabble in some of weight machines. I was getting nowhere and I dreaded going to the gym. Between feeling worn out all the time and not feeling confident in the kitchen, my husband and I were the king and queen of take out.
I was very unhappy about my body and my eating because I didn't see an end to my weight gain if I kept up my lifestyle. I wanted so badly to feel strong and healthy. I wanted so badly to know how to cook and to enjoy cooking. I wanted so badly to feel like I was someone with energy who could act on ideas I had, rather than put them off.

since taking on crossfit central programs:
I have had overwhelming results since joining CFCentral. The physically strong and lean body I have always wished I could have...I finally do!
I have lost 30 lbs, 27% body fat, 4 dress sizes
I completely lost all cellulite on my legs and can see muscle definition all over my body. It's amazing to think that this was a body I thought I would never achieve. Breaking through mental barriers is one of the most rewarding parts of crossfit. The best part of my day is the drive home from the gym when the sun is coming up. I feel so alive and so present and most importantly so proud of myself for what I just accomplished.
These attitude adjustments carry over to all aspects of my life and it is beyond empowering. How can I have a dream in my career or personal life and say to myself "I CAN'T accomplish that" when only a few hours prior I shocked myself by lifting 180 lbs? It's not possible. The mental strength you develop through the crossfit experience really give you the tools to make the rest of your life what you want it to be.
I was once in a defeating mental pattern, now I am in an empowering one where positive changes reinforce and allow for more positive changes. I have also been able to work on changing one of the most difficult mental barriers I have: procrastination. When you are in a workout sometimes just jumping on that box and DOING IT NOW means you are one step closer to the tough workout being over - There is nothing like the adrenaline of the crossfit workout and the energy of the fellow crossfitters to just make you DO IT! Once you do that enough, you are literally retraining your brain to think that way.
Crossfit is not about incorporating healthy habits into your life...it is more than that. It is about changing your life so that you live health and wellness. It's about empowering yourself to be who you want to be and to live the life that you dream. And this is what makes crossfit different than any other fitness program and, more importantly, this is why crossfit works. There is such a wonderfully supportive, loving, & like-minded community surrounding you, it's actually harder to stop showing up. That's the CrossFit Central difference!

Cross fit success story

Catherine Walker Hart, before
Photo: Catherine Walker Hart

Name: Catherine Walker Hart

Age: 30

Height: 5 feet, 7 inches

Before weight: 168

How I gained it: Food addiction and overeating runs on one side of my family -- fast eating runs on the other side. I got both! I've always loved to eat and have always been a fast eater. Eating way past my full point was a daily occurrence in my life.

Growing up, I was very active and had a pretty decent metabolism, so I used to get away with eating too much. After I got married in 2006, I was no longer as active as I had been and my overeating started to catch up with me. My husband and I also became the "king and queen of takeout." When you eat most of your meals from restaurants, you don't have control of what goes into them, and the portions are larger than one person needs. I also was a bit of a carb addict, easily eating four to five times the appropriate amount of carbs in my meals. My husband and I also developed an ice cream habit. We could go through an entire pint on a nightly basis.

The more weight I put on, the more uncomfortable I felt, which only led to more overeating. And I was not burning off any of it! I tried several attempts at the gym, but I always felt lethargic and unmotivated. Eventually, I gave up.

Breaking Point: I started to notice that I could no longer cleverly hide my weight gain with baggier clothes. I have a small frame, so there was a window of time when I could hide extra pounds, but I was gaining weight beyond that window. The depression about my weight really kicked in when I had to buy a new pair of jeans in a larger size for the third time.

I became incredibly self-conscious about my weight and felt very uncomfortable in my own skin. I liked to think of myself as a strong, active person, and there I was carrying around an extra 35 pounds. I felt like I wasn't myself.

My weight was increasing, and I wasn't having any success changing to a healthier diet. In fact, I don't think I even understood what it meant to eat healthier. My grandfather had been a lean, strong, active athlete his entire life, but his addictive eating cut his life short. I knew in my heart that I had his genes and that if I didn't change my lifestylenow, I could be on the road to obesity with serious health consequences. I needed to kick it in the butt! I decided right then and there that "being heavy" was just a phase: I would not be a heavy person for the rest of my life.

Catherine Walker Hart, after
Photo: Catherine Walker Hart

How I lost it: I lost weight because of two major life changing events: I started CrossFit in February 2008, and I learned how to cook.

The culture and method of CrossFit really spoke to me, and I quickly became a devotee. The high intensity, varied movements kept me interested, and I quickly started to see results. I began to feel strong again! The workouts themselves are very effective, and the community of support really helped me stay committed. I was able to keep a focus on my goals because I was surrounded by great people who were going through the same mental and physical challenges that I was. As my energy increased and I started to shed pounds, it was easier and easier to keep moving.

I also began to follow the Zone diet, and I finally understood the difference between proteincarbohydrates and fat and how they each affect my body. I learned about appropriate portion sizes and started eating five smaller meals throughout the day. Being able to eat more often during the day certainly made the food lover in me happy!

Once I knew more about nutrition, I was inspired to break out the cookbooks and start cooking! Empowering myself with the tool of cooking is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I make a wide variety of recipes that contain a healthy balance of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and healthy fats. I drastically reduced the amount of "bad carbohydrates" in my diet, like bread and pasta, by simply not including them in the meals I make at home.

I was able to find the joy in cooking when I started to view it as a chance to be creative. I make glass jewelry and my favorite part of the process is breaking up glass into small bits and rearranging them. With my new cooking knowledge, making food became very much like a process I already know and love. Chopping up ingredients, mixing spices together and arranging food beautifully on a plate all satisfy the artist (and food lover!) in me.

My mindset has changed! For me, food is an energy source, rather than something to gorge on. The more energy I have, the stronger I feel during my workouts -- and the stronger I feel during my workouts, the more I want to continue with healthy food. I've finally gotten out of my rut and into a cycle that fuels itself in a positive way.

After weight: 

Catherine has maintained her weight loss for 11 months. Visit her blog to read more about her CrossFit and cooking adventures.

SPC Crossfit - List

My first Pull-up

15 Pull-ups

Climb a Rope

Do a handstand

Do a handstand on those bar thingys.

Do a handstand push up

Do a over leg thingy on Gym Rings!

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    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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