Fitness Gifts!

Last minute gifts for the fitness lover in your life!

First off, I am NOT getting paid to endorse any of these products or compensated in any way. I either have found them personally to be awesome, or have heard they rock!
These are fast, easy to find gifts or they are unique and *new*! Oh–you like what you see? Be sure to send this page around to your friends and family with a big *hint* attached to it! (I linked to as many as I could to make shopping easier!)
The Gift of Music
♦ iTunes gift card. {Who doesn’t need a refresh on their library?}
The Gift of Motivation
You can get any of these as a real book, ebook, or audio book!! What a great option while you are sweating it out in January!
♦ “Reshaping it All” by Candace Cameron Bure and Darlene Schacht
♦ “Every Body Matters” by Gary Thomas
♦ “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst
The Gift of Sweat
♦ NEW DVDs from Michelle Dozois.
Purchase both DVDs by the end of the month and get 10% and free shipping! {Go to site to see a clip of each dvd!} This was an early Christmas gift to me!

♦ Online Pilates classes! Pilates Anytime Gift Certificate
The Gift of Cute
♦ Functional hairbands and ties
♦ Zip up jacket
The Gift of Running
♦ Running socks {One of those gifts you never want to purchase for yourself, but need!}
♦ SPIbelt {I own one and LOVE it!}

The Gift of “Ahhhh”
♦ Gift certificate for a massage or pedicure {Need I say more?}
♦ Foam Roller {Probably my most favorite purchase over the past 2 months}

What do you have on your Christmas list?

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God's Perspective on Fitness (in a way)

Posted by Clare@peak313 in Featured, Spiritual | 5 Comments
My Christmas Wish For You

I wish I could tell you that eating cookies, candy and chips would have no affect on our bodies.
But they do.
I wish I could tell you that not moving our bodies and challenging our muscles would have no bearing on the scale.
But it does.
I wish that I could tell you that filling our bodies with empty calories and non-nutritious (yet yummy) foods would give us endless amounts of energy.
But they don’t.
I wish I could tell you that instead of our body breaking down little by little as we age, it gets better and better.
But it doesn’t.
You see. So many of us aren’t accepting the reality of the situation. It’s not my wish that we would have to discipline ourselves daily, activate self-control and work hard to keep our bodies and health in check. God has designed our bodies this way on purpose. Have you stopped to think why that is?
God is asking us to allow Him in, every day, in every area of life. He wants us to use HIM as our fulfiller of desires. He wants us to cry to HIM when our hearts cry for food. He wants us to ask HIM for the daily self-control needed to battle every day issues.
In this season, we are reminded of a beautiful thing.
God With Us.
We have been given a gift. A Spirit and Presence that lives inside of us.
God with Us.
He resides in these deteriorating bodies.
God with Us.
He resides in us whether overweight or not. He resides in us when we aren’t residing in Him.
God with Us.
My Christmas wish for you is this: That you would accept the beautiful challenge God has given us to steward these wonderful houses where our spirit resides. And that instead of constantly fighting and rejecting the notion that we have to work, that we embrace it fully with the energy, vigor and focus that God has given us. Ask yourself, “how can I present my life and body as a gift to the one who is with me always?”

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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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