Rewards :)

* - New Scarf! - 2/11/11

& - New Bag!! 3/20/11

^ - Fanny Pack - 5/18/11

% - Leopard Key Keeper - 8/20/11

$ - Phone Covers? - ?/?/11

# - Hot Necklace/Earings - ?/?/11

@ - New Clothes? - ?/?/?

An Update

I know I haven't commented on my progress in a while, but I promised I haven't quit! Today is my 2 month mark of working out :D I started eating right 3 months ago :)

So I thought I'd share what's up :D

Since December 10th I've lost
4.5" in my waist
2.75" in my hips
2.5" in my thighs
.75" in my arms
4.75" in my chest/back
3.25" in my pudge since January 23rd
and 21 lbs all together.

I'm not sure this comapares with other girls, but for me, it's pretty awesome. More than the overall, I'm just excited to see a change each time Nate measures me. Thank goodness because I don't see any changes when I look in the mirror. I "think" I look slimmer, and my belt has moved 2 notches, but numbers are concrete and I need that. I'm hoping that I'm at the half-way point of people noticing a change. Maybe they'll see it at 30 lbs, HOPEFULLY 40!!?! Good grief, if I don't see a change after 40 lbs I'll cry. And after that, it's the last 20 till I'm in the "ideal" category for my body compisition according to Akron's Rec center. I can't wait to go in in May and see the changes on paper!! It'll be so cool. Especially knowing my diet was FULL of FAT!! Take that, conventional "wisdom"! ;D

I'm going to have Nate take a pic of me tonight in the clothes I wore 2 months ago, I'm hoping that we'll beable to pick out changes, but I'm not really expecting anything. That's ok, it'll fuel the next 10-20 which will be cool since that's how much is left till I reach my goal before our cruise! Yip Yip!

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    My Hubby and Me :)

    My Hubby and Me :)
    Hiking during the Fall

    A Reidly Lifestyle

    I want to make some positive changes in my health by eating primaly and getting active so I can look and feel better. I also hope that by starting young I can lower my chances of health problems.

    I want to be all I can be for my God, my husband, and my future kids and I think a big part of that is taking care of myself so I can take care of them and serve God to the best of my abilities.

    I also thought I should blog about it ; ) Hope it goes well :)
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